Friday, October 9, 2009

Dyson vs. Aquafina

I always find it interesting when brands “extend”. What perplexes me are brands like Aquafina extending from bottled water to lip chap. I mean sure, both “quench”, but I think it’s a little bit far fetched. I think that Aquafina realized that the time of bottled water is dying off, and decided that some big changes had to be made. This is how I imagine the conversation went:
“Energy drinks?“
“Nope, it’s already been done. “
“Thirst quenchers?”
“Too old school.”
“Flavoured water?”
“We have that.”
“Lip chap? “
“Now we’re talking!”
Come on Aquafina. Really? Lip chap. I just can’t get over it.

Dyson Air Blades. Now THAT’S brand extension. A vacuum sucks. A hand dryer blows. Both involve high powered air-flow. If you can use some of the research and development from your previous products then by all means, go ahead and extend your brand. If you can invent a hand dryer that can dry hands in less than 12 seconds without burning people’s flesh, then do it!

Dyson: 1
Aquafina: 0

Aquafina, if you can come up with a product that’s needed and offers a unique benefit, then you should extend your brand. Lip chap shouldn't count.


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